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[Outside Downtown Mudhouse, 11:40am]

[Best Dressed] Tom Wolfe

You are in your 50s. Maybe 60s. You were wearing a white linen hat with a broad brim and matching white pants. The vest was a nice touch. If you were smoking a cigar I can't remember, but it seems likely. From now on you are the Tom Wolfe of Charlottesville. May your reputation serve you well.

[5th st. , 8:42pm]

Gold Toyota Camry

[best dressed] You drive a gold Toyota Camry. You were wearing a brown uniform and unloading 35 boxes of tampons into someone's house on 5th st. The pink contrasted nicely with the brown. Like a newer version of the '70s.

Damn Good Advice

"One of my neighbors continues to take Bubba back to my house whenever she sees him outside."


It's, like, starting to get on my nerves.


I can't just...ask him, can I?


Is Keswick really that nice of a venue anyway?



1. (noun) Furniture you find on the curb

2. (noun) Contact made between one’s hubcap(s) and the curb

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CURBITURE brings you all the best of everything you knew or didn’t know you wanted.

We love our city, from the coffee shops to the tea houses, from the Corner to the Pavillion, from the goths to the foodies, and everyone and everything in between.

If you are a local artist, writer, celebrity, or character, we’d love to hear from you. Send us your contact info and let us know what you have to offer, and don’t forget to sign up for our kickass newsletter while you’re at it.

Best of the ’Ville


Furries/Reality Shows/Fitness Models etc.


For the end times.


Get 'em while they're hot!


Other than McDonald's or Costco, that is.

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CURBITURE supplies the best of what C’ville has to offer, from interviews, events, and news to rants, best-of finds, oddities, and more.

In addition to posting articles and advice, our journalists and editorial team collaborate with local contributors. We are not affiliated with UVA, bestof, or any political party.

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Even David Foster Wallace got his stories rejected--did you know that?


They're more than just bathrooms

Do you have an upcoming event in Charlottesville that you would like to promote? Let us know and we’ll list it here, for free!

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